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Membership Checkout

Membership Level

You have selected the Annual membership level.

Annual membership Payment - Once payment has been made one of our admin team will be in touch for more details

The price for membership is $30.00 per Year.

Do you have a discount code?

Account Information Already have an account? Log in here


More Information

Applications for registration are not automatically approved. The board is required to gather information about each applicant and you will be contacted as part of the approval process. Please fill out the information as fully as possible and we thank you for your patience during the process.

Please give your full address, not a partial address, this address is kept private. Enter your Country, State and City in the other fields as well please.

We have people of all nationalities and languages in the society. Understanding if you speak English helps us to be able to make contact with you in the best way.

Please give a full description of your background, areas of interest, how you heard about the society and the reasons why you would like to join the society.

Social Media

We require this information to get a better idea of who registrant applicants are. While it isn't essential it does help in some cases to speed up the approval process.